Monday, December 12, 2011

Set your goals.

I have never been one for setting long term goals. Maybe it's a lack of discipline, or a vague notion of what I want out of life. It was always supposed to come together somehow. But I have decided to try to become more organized. And by that, I don't believe in waiting until the "new year."
Part of the problem with setting a blueprint for your life is that often things change, so you get that "why even try" feeling. But I am finding out that it is still good to get your goals down on paper.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My hawaiian adventure.

I got to Honolulu 12 days ago. I'm leaving tomorrow night. It's been a great journey. I have decided to return to the mainland. But here is a short description of some stuff i did:
Stayed at the YMCA the first week
I went to Hale'Iwa on the north shore, ate at coffee gallery where my brother Danny used to work.
After checking out of the Y I was hanging out with a girl I met and we met Art Alekaxis from Everclear at a late night diner. Then we took a bus to Turtle bay and Banzai pipeline. I continued my journey alone, walking to Waimea Beach and staying the night at a hostel. The night after I spent all day walking and swimming the beaches.
The next morning I inquired about work for a hostel- I was hired, but decided after a day of training, (yesterday,) decided not to take the job. I also worked for one day at labor ready loading boxes from a truck. I met John Baker, who is rapper Machine Gun Kelly's uncle.
The last two nights I have stayed at Hokondo Waikiki Beachside Hostel. It's been nice. I booked my ticket back for late Thursday night, flying into oakland in the morning. I have decided to play the part of tourist for the next day and a half.