Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bonaventure Brewing Company: A hidden downtown delight.

So I set out to find a Microbrew pub that brews their own beer, and it was harder to come by in the city of Angels than I would have reckoned. (Being that I'm from Northern California I thought it would be a cinch.) Speaking with Suzanne Melson, who is the Director of operations at the Bonaventure Brewing Company, I was trying to conjure up some kind of esoteric reason as to why they are one of very few restaurants in town that brews their own. The answer was simpler than I thought: "We've been in business for 10 years this December, and that was the original vision of the owners," she said. I'll just have to assume that it's more of a complicated process to brew your own beer than to get it somewhere else. But for crying out loud it's worth it! They have some of the best brews here North of San Francisco! And for those of you a bit south of here, in Long Beach, there is a sister company, Belmont Brewing company, which was founded by the same owners. There really is something to be said about Beer that is actually brewed where it is served. You can really taste the difference when a beverage has been freshly manufactured on sight and hasn't been shipped around in Kegs.

The selection of Microbrews, which is currently 4 beers, is small, but gives you no want of selection. Kim, the beautiful and personable bartender hooked me up with a taster set, which is basically all of the restaurant's microbrews and 1 "guest beer", which tonight was the Fat tire. Each glass is 5 ounces, and it's all for only 6 dollars! Yes, you read that right! This gave me a chance to actually compare their own beer with another. There was no comparison. First there's the Pale Ale, which one of the friendly waiters there, Michael, says actually reminds him of the Fat Tire. "It's my personal favorite," he pointedly interjected. In my opinion, it beat out the Fat tire so easily! The succulent amber orange color and the Cascade hops (which beer buffs tend to prefer) make this drink a special treat.
If you're up for something different, the Hefeweizen, which is 4.5% alcohol, has a hint of a banana aroma and is a bit on the exotic side. My personal favorite was the Strawberry Blonde, which tastes lighter than the Hef, but actually packs in 4.8% alcohol, so after a glass or two of the 23 ouncer, the beer goggles sneak up on you, so be careful.
Similar to a Central European Pilsner, the Bonaventure blonde ale, which boasts a copper tone and goes down easy, and has the same amount of alcohol as the Strawberry Blonde, is also a favorite amongst many whom I talked to .
Besides the brews, there is a wealth of fancy drinks to make you feel like you're on vacation. If you don't have the money or the time for a trip out to Hawaii, 'Gilligan's Island' will remind you of a tropical paradise- I'd tell you what's in it but I want you to go find out for yourself! And if you come at happy hour from 3:30 to 7 PM Monday through Friday, you can get munchies from as cheap as 1.99 to go along with it. Michael told me they get a large amount of investment bankers, and lawyers, etc. who come in here on a regular basis, being that it's so close to the financial center. Although it's a very upscale place, I was pleasantly surprised by how reasonable the prices were, and would venture to encourage even the most frugal to bring a hot date to this place.

For instance, I had the appetizer sampler, which runs 11.95, and it filled me up like a stuffed duck. The servings were hearty portions of Calamari, artichoke spinach dip, and Brushetta, and were obviously meant for more than one person, but don't worry, I handled it well. (Good thing I went to the gym today.) I'm going to have to go back and sample more of the food. I was there more for the beer this time, to be honest, but I'm looking forward to trying some of their scrumptious looking salads and soups. (Yeah, that was me rubbernecking, spying at what you were eating from across the room-sorry about that.)

Bonaventure's is not a place you hear tons about. I would say it's a bit of a secret locale, so pardon me for spilling the beans! First of all, there's a four story trek to get to the pub, but you're rewarded with an intimate interior, and a handsome outdoor patio with a gorgeous view of downtown. A mere 8 blocks from the Staples Center, you should check it out before the Laker game! It's situated in the heart of the business district, and draws many tourists. The fact that it's now opened until 1 A.M. is good for me, since I'm a bit of a night owl. Most of the people I encountered here were in town for the Auto show at the convention center. One young lady from Detroit whom I met told me it was her special L.A. spot, and she didn't want me to tell too many people about it. But I wouldn't feel right just keeping it to myself. I'll see you down there some time.

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