Monday, December 15, 2008

Bullfighter by Jeremy Ferrick

Who hired this yankee to be my bullfighter?
This bullfighter, supposed to look like me.
I will take out my petition
against this malnutrition that I do not want the world to see.
They will sign their name in blood
I'm not waiting for the flood to wash me up, pull me under.
What's that you said, did you get lost,
you lonely writer?
He outdid you, the weak bullfighter.
He's staying in the picture
if you don't like it you can quit.
And he did a noble job
and made some money out of it
but who wants to be a puppet dancing slightly on the stage
If you could be the one to pull the strings
what would you do if you could do
anything at all
would you blow the whistle
or pass the ball
what would you do if you could do
anything at all
would you blow the whistle
or pass the ball
so get out your bullhorn
put your cigarette out
you can change the course of
someone's life you don't even have to shout
you can get up on your soapbox
you can stand up on your doubt
and if you don't know what that means than look it up.

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