Thursday, July 29, 2010

I only want the best (for you)

She flew
away, like ill gotten gain.
She stayed around
till there was pain.
People like to take it easy
no one wants to hang it tough
But when the going gets going
Enough is enough.

i've been down so long
that it don't even matter any more 2X

Took me a long time to learn this lesson well
You don't have to keep everything that comes
Don't have to live in hell
sometimes it's easier to stay put
then to move along
Sometimes it's safer
to be wrong.


You can take the high road
or settle
for what's left
& Thank them
for all of
the crumbs they threw
I only want the best
for you

What are you waiting for? When there's nothing left lose.
Don't you know it's up to you, all these decisions that you choose.

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