Friday, October 15, 2010

Sitting here in limbo.

If you've been living your whole life in limbo, how do you know when you're really starting over? I think something good about going off to college is that it's a transition from youth to adulthood. I never did that 'go away to college' thing. My way of breaking free was through travelling but wherever you go, there you are and then you have to start all over again when you get back.
Five years ago when I was in austria at a meditation center called 'unity of man,' i was advised to stop being a vagabond and travel within instead. So I went back to the states, worked for a while at an insurance company, saved some money and moved to Los angeles to launch my music career. There comes a while where you're done with experimenting, hypothesizing, etc. and you just DO. But sometimes I feel, that after almost 5 years in one place, a certain complacency has been set upon me. That is what i am on a journey to break free from.

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